Since 2017 we have been working towards building a fine catalog of artists who are highly inspired to show their creative works in a different light than is usual in the world of music. And in the world of art for that matter. Both separate entities are since decades the stage for making money, where music and art are just playing the second fiddle. We don’t claim we can change this, but we cán show how publications can also be done. Vibrant and with inspiration. And entirely the domain of the artist. The unadapted and unaltered vision of the artist.

All Astres d’Or vinyls are handcut one by one in our own bhaavitaaH bhuutasthaH studio. Each a direct copy cut from the source. No copy from a stamper from a mother from a father from a lacquer like is done with pressed records (with all added noise as a consequence). Our vinyls have no deterioration and are of the highest quality, crisp and clean.

In fact, each of them is specially made when you as a collector place an order. When we receive your order, we cut your vinyl especially for you. With highest attention for detail.

For 25 and beyond we’ll continue showing that music publications can be as powerful and vibrant as the vision of the artist and can in fact be an original work of art in itself.

Several artists are currently working on their new music and artwork for Astres d’Or, of which there are some very interesting surprises.

In May this year new works will be published by Marc Hurtado (Étant Donnés), Edward Ka-spel (The Legendary Pink Dots) and Eugene Chadbourne. See below for more information.

Check this website regularly for new announcements regarding new titles on Astres d’Or, or subscribe to our newsletter below this page.

Wishing you all the best

Astres d’Or

Marc Hurtado ~ La Voie Du Visible Est La Voix De L’Invisible

Edward Ka-spel ~ Title TBA

Eugene Chadbourne ~ Catalogue d’oiseaux II


Silvia Kastel The Gap

Handmade Artwork by SK.
Signed by the Artist
Edition of 25 ex.
Date of Release: 2 November 2017 / SOLD

Silvia Kastel is an Electronic Artist and Underground Chanteuse from Puglia, Italy, currently living in Berlin, Germany.
Since 2009 she has released several Albums with her (now ex-) Group Control Unit, Albums in Collaboration with Smegma and Factrix, as well as releasing several Solo Albums.

The Gap was previously released on Cassette in 2016 on the German Label Noisekölln Tapes and is now for the first Time released on Vinyl as a full LP by Des Astres d’Or. The Music is made in a period wherein Silvia physically had just left Puglia and was trying to settle in Berlin, yet Mentally feeling as in a Void… The Album is truly a modern Classic and brings back Memories of a Time when the Term Electronic Music still mostly referred to Avant-Garde and dark Psychedelic Electronic Music and was not yet simplified and made synonymous with Dance as is the Case nowadays unfortunately. In Fact, it’s Music could easily have been released at the End of the 70’s or early 80’s with it’s reverberant Analog Sound consisting of La Kastel’s distorted abstruse Voice, slowed down with barely functioning Tape Delays and paired with rotten Vintage Synthesizers which she found left on the Corner of a Puglian Street, leading to a dark personal Voice recalling Feelings of Misery, Regret, false Hope, Fear, Loneliness and convincing the Listener there is really no Need for extravagant Joy, she moreover extravagantly and joyfully submerges herself in her own Fear fueled Psyche, not afraid to touch Bottom and making this Album into a truly wonderful Example of Autobiographic Music Making…

The LP is released in an Edition of 25, handcut on real Vinyl (no Lathe Cuts), and paired together with her beautiful Artwork… The original Polaroid Photo’s made by Kastel are Abstract Depictions, Psychic Images of her Personal World. On some, one can vaguely recognize Parts of her House, although it is unclear whether it’s in Puglia or in Berlin… Others are as Abstract as a Mind can sometimes be in certain Circumstances. Some Artwork contains metal Strings of one of her own Musical Instruments and Text is printed and attached with Dymo embossing Tape, giving the Work an even more personal Aura and Tactile Quality, like a Memory, of a past Event


A1 Chased  
A2 The Gap  
A3 S Dream  
B1 Taped To Heart  
B2 Suspended And Blue  
B3 Drawing Lines  
B4 Baller

This Album was previously released on Cassette in 2016 on Noisekölln Tapes.

First Edition on Vinyl.

Special Remastered Version

Silvia Kastel

Listen to full album / Digital download


Silvia Kastel ~ The Gap




Gatefold Cover. Outside: Greyboard, inside: white.
Polaroid Photographs, Dymo Embossing Tape, (incidentally with) Metal Strings
Signed, dated, numbered by SK

  22/25   /25  21/25   /25  4/25  14/25  24/25  12/25  20/25  17/25  25/25  11/25  7/25

   2/25    18/25    10/25    3/25   1/25    15/25    6/25   9/25    5/25



5x 8″ Vinyl Record in Bolted Box with Wooden Dowel.
Original Artwork by Raymond Dijkstra.
Numbered edition of 25 ex.
Date of Release: 29 January 2018

RD & TNB have been collaborating since 2010. This is the first Music published of this Collaboration. “Destructieve Verlichting” (Destructive Enlightenment) is issued in ten Parts on 5x 8″ Vinyl on Astres d’Or.

A Destructieve Verlichting I


B Destructieve Verlichting II


C Destructieve Verlichting III


D Destructieve Verlichting IV


E Destructieve Verlichting V


F Destructieve Verlichting VI


G Destructieve Verlichting VII


H Destructieve Verlichting VIII


I Destructieve Verlichting IX


J Destructieve Verlichting X


Collage Artwork and Bolted Box / Wooden Dowel Design by & executed by Raymond Dijkstra.

Composed, mixed, mastered, cut on Vinyl by Raymond Dijkstra

Raymond Dijkstra & The New Blockaders



Description Artwork:
Box: Cardboard with black Linen, Iron Bolts, Wooden Dowel.
Artwork: Colored Leather, Felt, Glue, Dirt.
©Raymond Dijkstra
(More Pictures follow)













