Handmade Artwork by The Tenses.
Signed by the Artist
Edition of 25 ex.
Date of Release: 31 March 2018 / SOLD

The Tenses (Side Project of Smegma) are Ju Suk Reet Meate and Jackie Oblivia Stewart.

The Tenses -is a Title of a Story in the Book “The Dream World of Dion McGregor” from 1964. It is a unique Book in that the Stories are not “Written”, but Transcribed from Stories told while asleep.

In 2008 we began a new Live Act using Musical Concepts developed with Smegma. The Tenses are a more intimate ” Live ” Experiment ,that is GREATLY INFLUENCED by the Room/Audience “ Feel”.  Moving Images that reflect our Influences and creative Patterns are projected on or behind us. Our creative Intent is only one Aspect.  We Attempt to collaborate in” The Moment .”

The Tenses have performed successfully in Portland, Los Angeles, New York City, Chicago, Cork, London, Brighton, Helsinki, Brussels, Paris , Geneva and others , so far.

The Tenses, using Concepts developed over 40 years of organized and spontaneous Sound making , attempt a new Focus on “live Performance” in which the Room or Space has a major effect on the unfolding Sounds.  Usually a Movie is also shown that may suggest Themes. If it all works there is Magic.

More Information: The Tenses Website

A Down
B Up

Recorded January 2018 in Portland Oregon by Ju Suk Reet Meate

Ju Suk – Conch Shell, Clay Flute, Tape Loop, String Bass, Toy Noise Makers and Electric Lap Steel with Effects Pedals

Oblivia – Bells, Toy Noise Makers, Bell Tree and Record Player with Effect Pedal

Listen to full album / Digital download

The Tenses ~ Down / Up

Collage on Paper

  1/25   2/25   3/25   4/25   5/25   6/25   7/25   8/25   9/25   10/25   11/25   12/25   13/25



Acrilyc Paintings by Bryan Lewis Saunders.
Signed by the Artist
Edition of 25 ex.
Date of Release: 24 June 2018.

The Deaf Month Vinyls is a Collection of Recordings done by Bryan Lewis Saunders during his Month long Experiment of External Ear Blocking in 2011.

“The Third Ear Experiment, produced by Brant Withers, was an attempt to connect my eustachian tubes to my pineal gland by physically rerouting the way in which sound entered my body. For 28 days straight, from October 25th to November 21st 2011, I blocked up my external ears and attached a copper funnel to my mouth and set out to see and hear what would happen. The experiment was both extremely torturous and meditative. Each day gave birth to a multitude of new ideas of which I was unable to document thoroughly. The act of documentation itself was often a hindrance to the experience so I made quick notes and as many sketches and paintings as possible for future illustration and investigation and I could easily spend the rest of my life in doing so.” (BLS, 19 September 2012)

“I didn’t even know I was going to swallow anything, or have problems swallowing anything when a human arm appeared from another dimension. Not a cloud or “thin air”. I saw where it came from and where it went back to. Anyway, it grabbed me by the Adam’s apple and started tugging on it up and down. I thought it was trying to kill me, so I twisted my body and tried to turn my head away from it when a Vicks lozenge popped down my throat. The human arm then disappeared back behind this plane of geometry we can’t see. It saved my life. At least it thinks it did. There is a higher power for goodness. A spiritual strong arm of safety. I saw it and I felt it and it left one little mark. Maybe tomorrow I’ll have bruises.” (BLS, 13 November 2011)

Literal Silence (Side A, Track 2)
“I am now experiencing “Literal Silence”, for the first time ever in my life. The shape of it inside my skull is growing. If I don’t move a single muscle and sit or lay perfectly still, I experience silence. I can hear my heartbeat at times and I can also hear the tension in my neck muscles when I move. It’s beautiful. The world can be a very quiet and peaceful place. But my mouth hurts like shit.”
(BLS, 26 October 2011)

Bike Breath Balance (Side A, Track 7)
“My first bike ride to test my equilibrium. I hear a low hum inside my silence and I am breathing pretty hard. I feel like I’m moving two pedals forward and less than a half a pedal back at first, until I get in the groove of it. There is a copper screen inside the funnel to catch bugs with and prevent foreign objects from flying in.”
(BLS, 27 October 2011)

Third Ear Phone Call (Side A, Track 9)
“I’ve made one phone call to Nicole and tried to talk through my third ear. She was upset for several reasons as you can imagine. I recorded the conversation without telling her, and she has since allowed me to put it up.”
(BLS, 28 October 2011)

More Information on the Third Ear Experiment: Bryan Lewis Saunders Website

Bryan Lewis Saunders is an American Artist who works in a broad Array of Art Disciplines among which are Visual Art, Spoken Word and Art Performance. The Experiential Element is a crucial Factor in all his Works. He’s been making Self Portraits on Paper for each day since 30 March 1995. Since 2006 BLS has documented his dreams off / on for each day through Audio Recordings. In 2011 BLS underwent a Self induced Experiment in which he ingested different Types of Mind altering Substances for 11 Days and ‘documented’ each Day in a Series of Drawings. In 2014 BLS and John Duncan collaborated on a Performance titled Under the Influence of Torture in which BLS was tortured on Stage by JD with electrical Shocks and other Torturous Treatments.
In 2014 Bryan Lewis Saunders was portrayed in the Documentaries  Art of Darkness by David Parker and Self Portrait Portrait by James Hollenbaugh

An interview with BLS about the Deaf Month Vinyls:

A1 Stage 1_Aural Eigengrau


A2 Stage 2_Literal Silence


A3 Stage 3_Purgatory


A4 Stage 4_ Elements of Sound


A5 (Silence)


A6 Document 5_Saliva Sucking


A7 Document 6_Bike Breath Balance


A8 Document 11_Glans-Brain


A9 Document 7_Third Ear Phone Call


B1 Document 9_Bellflower Speaks


B2 Birth of the Otic Vesicle


For Orders: contact Des Astres d’Or for Invoice including Postage Costs.

Bryan Lewis Saunders ~ The Deaf Month Vinyls


Listen to full album / Digital download

Work in Progress:

  Work in Progress 10/25

  Work in Progress 01/25

Artwork Description: Acrilyc Paintings by Bryan Lewis Saunders


















Handmade Artwork by Frans de Waard.
Signed by the Artist
Edition of 25 ex.
Date of Release: 17 February 2018.

“Modelbau is not Frans de Waard’s latest in a series of names used to create music, but it is indeed the latest one for a solo vehicle. Each of the names, and that includes my own name, stands for something particular, an idea, and something not found in the other monikers I am using. Modelbau is, like Freiband, not a proper German word (it should be Modellbau, but I thought that looked ugly) and as such is probably already a lo-fi name, and as such also very personal. As a musician I have no a particular instrument, nor do I favour any technique, and I think one should use what is needed for a particular project or a piece of music.
When I started Modelbau, I wanted to use various lo-fi sound sources, such as Dictaphones, walkman, shortwave radio, small synthesizers and such like. This would not be a project for improvisation, but more or less planned pieces of music. All of which to be released in the digital domain only. That was in 2012. Now, in 2018, almost nothing is left of this outline, and yet the music is very much what I envisaged as Modelbau. These days Modelbau uses pre-recorded cassettes, iPad apps, sound effects, laptop, shortwave radio, small synthesizers, ancient 2bit sampling device; everything is recorded on the spot, as is, and without multi-tracking and very minimal editing (save for fades and mastering) released as downloads, but also on cassette, CDs and CDrs. ‘Xerox’ marks the very first release on vinyl. Whenever Modelbau plays a concert (all of which are recorded) preparations are made, and these are also recorded; sometimes these preparations can have the length of a concert, but they can also be single pieces of a few minutes. All of these recordings are archived and whenever a release is prepared, the latest sessions are listened to again. ‘Does it stand the test of time’, is it still interesting and thus: can it be released?” (Frans de Waard)

A1 Xylophone  


B1 X Marks


B2 Xelem  


Recorded by Frans de Waard December 2017 – January 2018

Listen to full album / Digital download


Modelbau ~ Xerox


Artwork description:
Model construction elements (plastic) on painted paper