Original Artwork by Pierre Bastien
Numbered edition of 40 ex.
Musicworks by Pierre Bastien
This Album is a Unicum in the Œuvre of Pierre Bastien. Pierre Bastien has always played together with the Meccano Orchestra. In these Pieces however, the Music contains the mechanical Sounds by the Meccano Orchestra only, with the Artist only observing the Orchestra as the sole Spectator in a vast and empty Circus Arena… A wonderful Collection of automated music, pure Poetry of a tiny mechanical Orchestra, fragile and touching in it’s primitive Mechanics… An absolute Highlight in the Œuvre of Bastien.

The Meccano Orchestra is a unique and constantly evolving Orchestra consisting of selfplaying Machines made from Meccano, imagined by Pierre Bastien.
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Artwork Description: Stamped Forms in Gouache on brown Cardboard. Forms are stamped from Meccano Parts. Artwork by Pierre Bastien
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Pierre Bastien ~ Impressions de Meccano | |